Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Niece feel in a Sewer

She was coming home from school, getting off her school bus when she walked a few steps forward and she fell in with her book bag. she feel deep, i don't know how many feet in but she said some folks helped her out after she yelled for help. she climbed up a latter to the top.

In the area, it's very Grassy so she would not have noticed a drain hole. .. just imagine how many people may have fallen in that drain in the past. or even who have come up missing and fell in and drowned. The City needs to look in to this for real. Sewarage and Water Board should be on this problem quick now.

i gor the info from her and my sister. My sister was supposed to be at work but she came home to discuss some issues with the Police, The Bus System and the Primcepal of the school.

My niece got gome and washed her hair, but she may need to bathe and then go see a doctor, i talked to my other sister and my brothers to let them know what happened. man, just getting a call saying that my niece fell down the drain was scary, I'm glad she could swim because that could've been IT.

Scary.. it's a shame though. My sister had made complaints about the bus dropping her off in a dangerous area. and that this has happened, she's notified the bus driver and Principal of the school. they're in the process of changing routes for those busses. It's a shame man. My nieces is shaken and well its just scary. a situation enough to sue somebody.

Well, I hope she goes to get checked up and cleaned up good because falling in a open drain .. being wounded or bruised could lead to infection or something.. She's alright so we're good. hope this doesn't happen again. So scary and unexpected .. shame.


Unknown said...

That is scary. I'm glad that she is okay.

Leigh C. said...

I hope she does get a checkup anyhow. I'm glad there were no broken bones, but the microscopic stuff that might have been down there could have affected her somehow, and it's best to nip that in the bud.

Y'all be careful.