Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Mediator: I guess so

For a few years I've been failing to blog about this Test at which I've taken from time to time just to see how it turns out.. the quiz has only changed very little since I've began. and I've also taken many others. I guess the older post have been only on facebook though.

According to this Quiz as of today  November 15, 2015
Code:  INFP-T
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Constant Improvement:

I am  INFP- Turbulent as seen in the images below
But in one of my older ones according to the website,(after Logging In)  I was an INFJ-Assertive
due to this being at very small percentages at the time, My guess is that over time, my mind changes, I guess it's natural to switch up at certain points..

 I will likely compare this update to the most recent one i had placed on facebook. and then do another post based on the comparison.

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