Sunday, January 23, 2005

what iposted on the sport about it

The Mike Effect......
Lmao ... Yall.. for those of you who I havent told...There was this girl who is a member of all the random bandsites .. Well Last week She IM'd Me Cussing me out and wanted to know Why everybody on showtime hates me.... So i told her what ..went down and she thought i was playing .. calling me childish and crap cause i always use smilies and say "LOL" behind , Lame & crap .... WELL .......She Has experinced "THE MIKE EFFECT" aka "THE WRATH OF SHOWTIME" ..... LOL....She' Randomly Went off on the Wrong Person And This What Happenes When you go off on the wrong hereLMAOLOl.. I Find it Funny Because She Went off on me about Me Being Lame and hated Just A Week ago and IT happens to her ..........SO.........I say .. WELCOME TO MARCHINGSPORT lmao ...'cause yall know this is the home of the Banned & Bounce Backed Members of Showtime ..LOL

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