Reliant Arena is Cold! Man, They Need to turn off the air conditioning. The sheets they gave us don't work. This place is like a freezer lol. I woke up this morning at probably about 5. I Could not go back to sleep due to frost bite (lol) .. I went to get coffee just to warm me up & Then i Tried to go back to sleep, Only to be awaken by The same guy who had blasted his radio in the dome .. I thought we got away from him, But NO; He's with in the same line of cots as me .. but on the end. This time he wasn't blasting his radio but yelling mad behind his CD's .. he Yelled " Aunttie, Auntiee!, Somebody Stole My CD's, You Know Who Done it? ..Im Tellin" .. lmao It was so funny. This man is in his 40's or 50's but you can tell he's Throwed Off. He seems to have a mind of a teenager, because he listens to rap and kinda does what the teens do. Such as walking around the Arena with his radio on is sholder ( Yeah We Brung it back) 1980's Meet the 2000's Eh? Yeh.. But back to the story.... IT IS COLD IN HERE! I really think they need to turn the air system off. because Not Only is it Extremely Cold. But It's Interfering with the Wireless Int
On top of that. There are kids who come here only to watch videos and listen to music. They don't know it but they are taking up more connection space than needed, which causes the servers to crash more than usual. Like Chris. He's a Deaf guy who's from my area. He's always asking for help & nobody understands him. I don't think he reads sign lanugage either. He's a Lip reader. Yesterday, His connection kept going down & he had no clue why. I tried writing him a note. but he refused to read it. Chris is real cool but he has a low attentionspan & i don't think that being deaf has anything to do with that. Infact He's On a laptop now; Doing exactly what I just Explained. Listining' to music & watching videos isnt a good thing to do when you have many wireless computers connected to the same line. Especially when Its obvious that there is a Unit Interfering with the connection.
As For today. I have a few more packages at my sisters and some at the post office. I'll go pick them up later. OH!! .. Yeah , I also have to go get my ticket to the upcoming High School Battle of the bands. YEAH I HAVE TO ENJOY MYSELF WHILE IM HERE MAN!!!...
Ran across your blog. I am wondering if you might be able to help me help my friend. I met a girl by the name of Kenya S. Jones at a shelter in McKinney, TX (Dallas suburb) She is 28 and was seperated from her family evacuating the Superdome. She has been here for almost 3 wks now with no contact with her family. I have been trying to help her find them. We headed to Houston from Dallas yest. to see if we could find them at the Astrodome/Reliant Arena as we had found info on the net that they might be there. We turned around and came back to Dallas when we rec'd a call that they might be in a shelter in Lafayette, LA. Those leads never panned out and we ended up back in Dallas searching the net again. She is desperate to find her mother Sheryl A. Jones who is mentally ill and suffers from skitzophrenia. Also, to find her older sister Andreal Jones. Would you possibly know a contact# or anything there at Reliant Arena or have access to an evacuee's list or anything where I could find out if they're there or have been deployed out to another shelter or apt. She's desperate to find her mom and sis. As I said her mom is very ill. If you could help I would be eternally grateful. Kenya S. Jones can be reached on her cell phone at 469-742-3038. Or you can email me at or call MY cell 214-564-9850 There is a picture of Kenya on my blog in case you find her family there. Thanks so much
love this blog. love how you write. thank you for the intensely personal perspective on all of this.
also, thank you for the laughs. and the link explaining what "throwed off" is... i snorted a little laughing about that guy and his music.
Hi, been reading your blog for the last week or so. I'm praying for everyone whose lives have been disrupted or ruined by the storm. I hope they turn the AC down for you guys. About the deaf're right, his attention span hasn't got to do with his hearing abilities. My parents are deaf & I know lots of deaf folks who don't hear but can focus just fine.
Hey guy, whats up?Just was trying to see whats good with you.My roommate and I have been reading your blogs and we think you seem cool.Hit me up if you and your buds wanna hangout with us just to get away from there(not tryna get at you).Well hit me back.
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