Monday, May 08, 2006

Come on Now, Give me a break

**sigh**, I have a small headache.
Its from one of the women that took classes at the Center. **No Names**
She sat here with me this morning kinda mad with me because i didnt share info with her last monday about classes., I've explained to her many times that the classes were over but she still wants to continue comming; which o have no problem with that. its just that she keeps telling me that she wants to know when classes start up because she's ready to take some more. but when i said that were gonna start up in June, she tells me some other stuff about July!.. and she really wants to talk to "Deacon" & my self about This and HER schedule, She wants us to work around her schedule and thats bad... basically my head is hurtng because im "drove by the

Im not sure of anything about these classes untill everything is Planned, and nothing has been planned yet. we Just finnished up classes and Eferm felt that i needed a break from Teaching right now also. and i think he said that clear to everybody too. this lady continues to come as if its her set class/day... like i said .. i dont have a problem with it But i just think that she wants to know Too much. Things that i dont even know yet about our schedule she wants to know.

I told her that classes will began some times in June .. Here are Questioms that followed
  • Well when does Basic start up again?
  • Why are yall gettin' rid of Excel
  • What Days is this gonna be?
  • When are you gonna have the schedule
  • Why dont yall tell me when yall are doing this?
.. my answer .. IT'S IN THE PLANNING STAGES... "she says well we need to talk with Deacon because Im getting frustrated with all this moving around".. It aint even that much of a problem, when classes were out. we gave her a participation certificate and she knew it was the end. she wants me to continue teaching parts of a lesson that dosent exist too.. its just crazy man

now im getting aggrivated by this and just

but really .. today im having a bad day... it's like im on everybodies Call & its eatin' me up right

it's just a busy day with the Foodbox issue and thats not a bad thing. thats a good thing & it wasnt a problem. its just that one lady who just wants all classes to revole around her

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