Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I Can Only Be Me

Sometimes being me just doesn’t work for other people I just don’t understand. Why there are people in this world who hate the fact that I am the way I am. Its something I cant help because I’m me. When I try not to be myself it just doesn’t feel right. I wasn’t born to please everyone. I guess its why there are people that start to dislike the way I look, sound or act., I cant help that its just me. If you don’t like me it sure isn’t my problem, because I like everybody.

I don’t even know why I’m feeling this way. For some reason I feel as if some one or some people despise me just because I’m me. We’ll I’m sorry I can’t be anyone else.

I’m up here listening to Prince’s “Purple Rain”, I don’t even know why. But it sure fits the moment. I currently don’t have anything to say right now because my mind has gone blank

I need to lose weight man. My body isn’t responding properly to food right now either. I’m not trying to change my appearance because I think I’m a sexy beast. Its just that being big is just too much for my health. I actually hate being a heavyweight. If I could lose at least 80 pounds I’d be alright. That’s just one of the things I have to get right.

I guess I’m Letting My headache speak folks. I think I’m going paranoid because I’m starting to believe that everyone is watching me. And then, now days, the things that I say seem not to be valid unless confirmed by some other source. And the people who do that seem to spread what they Thought they heard and they’re usually wrong.

Portuguese love!... Yeah, that song is playing at the moment. It’s crazy. I was just telling Wookie & Kandace about How I feel a happiness being single and the reason is because I have feel the freedom to talk to the woman I want to associate with. When I was “Plural” In a my relationship with “B” I ceased all conversations with everyone female around me. And now I’m back to talking to them and more. I’m also Glad that Kandace had Introduced me to LaQuisha cause she’s cool people. She says that I make her feel better when she’s down. I think that that’s the usual with anybody. I try to make anyone feel better. That’s just me. The crazy thing about that is that, when I’m on the phone with her or anyone else. Some of the serious things I say, they don’t take serious because usually I’m just messing with them on the phone & being myself. It’s just wild to me.

Out of all of this, I’m glad I do have good people to converse with on any level, because with me you don’t get just one type of person; You get some of everything about me and that’s not a bad thing, That’s a Good thing. I think I need to rest myself when I get off of work today. The great think of me is staying on a positive track.


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