Within the Group Description this was stated
If you, your parents, grandparents, etc. are from Lacombe, Mandeville, Covington, Slidell, Abita, New Orleans, or the surrounding area..
If you're Creole and damn proud..
If you have a relative named Batiste, Casnave, or a cousin with the last name Cousin and you pronounce it 'Coo-zan'..
If you have siblings and you're all different colors..
If you have white, tan, AND, and black skinned relatives..
If you know what a 'freejack' is..
If you can hardly understand the things that some of your relatives say because the accent is so thick..
Or if you've always wondered how many other Ducres are out there and possibly what they look like..
This group is for you!
That is
Not to be rude, but i've never considered myself to be Creole. but after reading this.. man.. I know of some people who's last name is Cousin or Cousins who pronounce their name "Coo-zan(s) . i don't know them personally. i have never pronounced it that way, nor did my grandfather.. back in the day, they were classified as "Red Negro's" and thats why my dad grew up confused .. and because they have no clue about their racial backgrounds we classify our selves as Black on paper The Majority of my dads side of the family is RED/yellow skinned. my mom is Dark. Im the darkest of my brothers and sisters. we all speak of our race among each other because our whole lives people have and will always ask questions like " you have good hair, are u black?" or they'd say "you must be Indian" i don't get that, but my brother does because he has long hair and is lighter toned.. We know that we aint 100% "Black" or "African American" but its the only race and culture I know whatcha think?
...That was all that could be written on the wall..
But here's more .... I dont really know what it means to BE creole .. and thats why I sorta refuse to say that I Am...
A good reason is because (here's something common with Girls) ... It seems like Some Black folk I know seem to try so Hard to be "Mixed" so instead of claiming the Black Race.. they say "Im Chinese, Im Dominican, Im Creole" .. but soon as black history month come around They have big Malcom X, MLK and Black or african American cultural paraphernalia and they get all "Negrofied" .. talking bout "when we were slaves" or "Our people went through so much... NAW COUSIN... yall people had it good compared to DARK/BLACK people .. In fact .. Some of these people have both Dark skinned parents and claim that they are CREOLE .. Man.. Yo momma daddy is as black as Africa itself ..
I dont Care if you are Mixed with Any Race .. It doesn't mean you are Creole
My whole theory is this .. Stop Claiming that you are of "This Race/Culture" when u dont know anything of that race/ Culture ..
and then i find THIS
Yall get my drift?
Iono yall it gets confusing... anyway .. Right now, Im Currently looking up some ancestry on my name .. .. although long time ago there was a crazy Frenchman poet whos last name was cousin.. I wouldn't have a clue if he was my distant relative because he lived in FRANCE .. intact .. i believe he lived in Orleans ..lol
Let me go Look this up...
Note From The Book
I loved this one. It's a real deep topic and something that really needs to be said.
Creole refers to any person with ancestors that can be traced back IN LOUISIANA before the "Americans" bought the territory from the French. The French and Spanish's approach to colonization was very different from the Americans insofar as the products of liasons of european dominators with the dominated native americans and africans was part of a political program of acculturation rather than a haphazard product of slave-rape. People of mixed ancestry is what the Franch and Spanish and Portugese wanted: people with loyalties to the natives AND to the mother-country. Notions of "blackness" that you are most likely familiar with are the product of a much more dehumanizing cultural history unique to Anglo-America. Brazil doesn't have racial problems the way the US does...neither does Cuba...neither did New Orleans until Napoleon sold us out to Thomas Jefferson.
Thanks for posting.. very informal.
you know.... its just that I cant Identify with what it means to be a creole.. I only identify what it means to be from New Orleans, Louisiana.
like i said, i know im not 100% an African American...
It's just Wild .. Maybe if we never labled ourselves and just be Human beings, We'd be alright ..lol
I love who I am..
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