My Crab-Sister and I were on Yahoo! IM Talking about how People have been attacking Oprah for building a school in Africa. the Reason Is because they feel that Oprah doesn't care for her own Community in Chicago (or in America as a whole) .. They are saying things like "Why are you building schools in Africa when the kids in your own city are dropping out at abnormal rates" ...
My Crab sister and I both agreed that They need to leave Oprah Alone, I feel that Oprah is doing a great job at what she is doing, it seems as if she gets a pleasure out of helping people who are in need or WANT the help that she's giving. It's not up to Oprah to Build new schools in her own town.. why? they HAVE schools the bad thing is that They are Failing schools.. Oprah cant do anything about a failing school... Oprah cant Council Kids that want to Drop out? .. Oprah is More than just a Motivational Speaker, and talk show host, she's an ACTIVIST. she gets ACTIVE..
They're mad because she built a a school for Kids who had never had an education, while the kids here in America have schools across the street that they dont want to attend. African people need and are willing to learn on the same level as Americans, they want and need what we all seem o overlook and not care about.
Remember how we'd get those "Starving in Africa" lines from our moms when we didnt want to eat all of our food ? .. well its the same with Education.. These africans are STARVING for an education and Us in the U.S. are Abusing our School systems as they are also failing us. my whole reason for saying this is that OPRAH IS NOT HURTING US, she doesnt HAVE to do what she does. but it makes her HAPPY.. EVEN 50 Cent andJay Z wants to see kids happy and we "dislike" them because they are Rappers... Oprah is a Strong black woman who had struggled to get what she has, and its only right that she does what she wants with her money..
There Just may be a time when oprah does something good for Chicago schools, Just not Now.. Why Criticize her for something that you Can't do? She is Doing it and Doing it Well, Respect her Mind.
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