Although they lost Vs the Bears, Bless Dem Boys! They helped Uplift the spirits of N.O.
It's wild though because The night before, I was on the phone talking to Quisha and Kandace, I told Kandace about that whole "The Saints Are gonna Lose Because of a psychic prediction" thing and we laughed it off. I had a strong feeling that they weren't gonna win though. and that VooDoo stuff Sparked it off... I told Kandace that If The Dog pees on me anytime soon, The Saints are gonna lose the game. I said that because I went a good two weeks with the dogs out and then on the morning of the game b4 the gane, the dog Pee'd on me .. Yep, it was Tigger again. I also had a feeling they lost the game before I woke up yesterday morning .. it was in my head.. Then when I woke up the game was just starting ... Other than that. It was great watching the game.. I got Full It can tell ya that much!! .. Good Year saints, Great Job New Orleans.
After The
I talked to Josiah as usual, Its Funny that I was telling him about how Corey always says that He's CIA and has the website and all that in his sig and on Web profiles when he's only a Security guard .. and the fact that CIA as Secret Service. the people who are CIA are not supposed to say that they are CIA.. If anything, when u asked their profession they'd say "I work for the Government". or something of that nature. but people who always brag and boast it are Liers.. people who are CIA are supposed to be people who dont stand out in a croud or who dont Draw attention to themselves .. It's also funny that Today/Yesterday Someone was caught in Shreveport who pulled off a CIA scam. for money.. shame... I think that Corey should've been watching that. lol .. Either that, or He's like Ole Boy from The GONG SHOW

I have had my First, Second and Third back of The Real Elmers Chee-Wee's, I hadn't had a bag since WAY before Katrina, Those used to be The Picnic Party Chips .. I had the $1.59 bag of The Barbecue Flavor. Chee-Wee's are Like New Orleans made Cheetos If yall didn't know.
Monster (energy drink)
I have been drinking these Energy drinks day by day for the past week... Last night I didn't get any sleep, part of that was probably because of a Monster, Those things are Beast
Prison Break
Yep Two Dummies Broke out of Orleans Parish Prison, One got away and the other broke his leg and collar bone. after probably Falling the whole five stories down to the roof they were gonna excape from... The one who got away was a white man who was suspect for a murder charge and he's on the loose. Either way.. Both are Dumb. One will get more time because he excaped, the other will get more time AND suffering because he excaped and was caught due
Other things
Like i said, I didn't get much sleep.. Well.. I probably slept for about an hour and a half I was on the phone with Kandace from 4 til almost 8 this morning and I was WIDE awake. she talked of her Relationship status, which is now Single because something was up (the night before) .. some suspicious activity on her dudes part ... but she's straight on that ...After i hung up with her. I started Texting a Few people like Cherry, Ashley, and Cecily, then I called Vonetta, she was getting ready for school, so i hung up with her. when she called back I was sleeping and so i told her I'd call back. I hadnt called back yet. I talked to Ashley for a Brief moment. she seems happier now. starting some new things. like a new Diet and exercise program she's on.... umm.. YEAH...yall.. I was listening to "Show you the way to go" by the Jacksons, and It felt good, because It made me think of the Frendship/relationship i once had with My Ex.. and It was a great feeling. I sent her a text this morning.. I didnt get anything back though. My thing is that, although we had a sloppy ending. being in that relationship was a great thing on my part ya know? YEAAAAAAAAAAH BUDDY!..
Also.. (National Guard)
After Talking to Josiah about Various things from School Uniform policy to Hair Cuts to The reason so
Seem's Like JJ's Online too ...

My former Section Leader from High shool hit me up on Facebook today. I hadn't seen him in a while but its goot to know he's there. Last time i seen him, I was the section Leader at Kennedy and he was marching for Prairie View A&M's Marching Storm. at the time I had NO CLUE what PV was.. but hey... that's one great band .. Im just glad to hear from him.
I Think I might finally Redo the Kennedy Web page.. It's gonna be a load of wo
Note From The Book
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