Sunday, August 28, 2005 No Longer Exist

There was a site that was up called World Wrestling Forum where Randomly posted. Eventually I was banned for talking about Gmail invites. & then random spamming on the board. (or aleast thats what they said it was) I blogged about it back then, but it was deleted (thats probably how you came here) .. yeah But I looked it up and the site nolonger exists

This is the deal....

Yeah The site came up after the the World Wrestling Federation Lost The "F" From their Famed name only to Gain The "E" for Entertainment. so they dropped the website. & about a year later came back as an Independant Forum.

you might wanna try Rajah That site is better and The people are friendly, Unlike The Rude people from

the reason I posted this is because I notice that Blog was linked at the top of the search engines when typing in

Note From The Book

1 comment:

Book said...

Yeah, I Wrote this post before I was Struck by distaster..

lots of people were getting redirects to my blof because they were looking for the site. all they were getting was the post about Me getting kicked

thats all This post was about though .. We'll Time for a new blog post