Monday, September 12, 2005

Where Did JJ Go?

My Cousin JJ, (the same guy from a a few posts down with the 7th ward shirt on)
We'll He was in Jail on 9/11. for the day. lol we all were wondering where he was lol..
It wasn't anything big. He just was using his money for the wrong reasons. He went Clubbing & got lost & Im guessing that he was arrested for being drunk in public on a sunday .lol .. we'll he's here now and he lost his Debt Card. I strongly believe that He didn't lose it, I believe that the HPD is holding it because of how he was using his money. He's Back at the dome now.

you think he's crazy. There were other having pool parties at Hotels with their money. FEMA & Red Cross gave us that money to Help us out financialy, Not to abuse it.
While You're Out Parlaying. Other people are being wise & saving. .. Why Buy when the stuff they're giving us is free? don't be stupid with money.

Speakin' of Money. I Didnt receive anything because im joint with the parents.

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