Saturday, May 20, 2006

Da Vinci Code Hype...NOT

All The Hype Behind that movie was and still is Just unnecessary..

I Didnt see the movie. I didnt read the book but I've learned about Alcoholics like DaVinci in my day.. and I know that this is how it is in the worked of a Visual Artist

Most Great Artists have social or Mental problems and Leonardo DaVinci was one of them. He chose Alcoholisim and Used his artwork to Cope with depression. .. The Dude had an I'll life. .. and most likely died of a a bad liver or something.. yeah.. great man in his day.. Rennaisance man .. all the things he did and somebody focused on his artwook & said . Hey it must be a secret or code .. .. Because Da Vinci Was an on that "Oil" He Probably told many stories about his religious beliefs .. THAT is what was told in His and Other's artwork of his time .. Religion was the Thing back in his time .. I'd be crazy too if i lived in a time where they say that there are many gods .. you gotta follow atleast one ..... man.. JESUS yall.. dude Knew Jesus existed but he didnt live in jesus' time .. he Drew Pics of how he felt Jesus had appeared.. MAN.. HA! .. .. Bibles are printed everyday with documented reference but none of us lived in his time... Come on now ..

I Know of Many Artists in this world that have problems .. Leo was one of them

Man.. im just messin around yall .. later

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