Friday, May 12, 2006

Tom Joyner Morning Show - Who Listens?

Man, Im asking, because usually they have hot topics, and then talk & make fun of everything all the time, no mater how serious it may be.

well, today was the skyshow (u know they do that every friday)...
There was a point where they had a Singing contest for a thousand dollars. the first contestant was a lady .. she sang something that sounded like an old negro hymn.. kinda slow .. If only i had a clip what she sang.. lol well By the end of it .. J. Anthony Brown made fun of it in that same rhythm It was so funny.. he did it for untill the next contestant sang "out on a limb" .. she was alright but no "Idol" ya know .. and after her it was a contestant . the only male.. and he Rapped.. he rapped about Jesus, and war & just "things of the times"... he won the money... it was cool..

J anthoney brown kicked that first contestants song again .. it was funny .. .. oh well .. later yall .. "Ding"

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