Monday, November 06, 2006

My Day and more

so it was 6:00 am.. Lights were on because my dad likes to get up early ... i tried to stay to sleep the whole time my brother and nephew were getting ready for school... I hate the fact that this man turned on the light as if i wanted to get up .. So when I did get up the dog went to pee on my matrice. yeah yeah... My dad, Sister and older brother was in the room talking and waiting to go somewhere. around that time I was on SWACFANS talking smack about the TSU /SU game ... Then My sister and I went to the post office to pick up a package. after that we took a ride around my old neighboorhood and old high school. I went to Spiders to get some hotwings afterwards where I saw Phil, Bussy and a couple of other folk from my old hood. I took pictures but i cant upload them because I dont have my USB and this laptop doesn't have a card reader (which sux) but its nothing ... I was also talking to my sister about what i saw and what what was what before Katrina while we were in the gintilly area I noticed that Economical was gone .. SUX ... umm... dang man its just wild.
its just wild man <-- lol i wasnt lookin at the PC when i wrote that

Anyway yall.. I took pics of some signs and things (especially in my neighborhood) that reminded me of old times. Im Glad im back! Hopefully I'll be able to work amongst this stuff.


I love this stuff man!! ..

I've been back for a while now

Im gonna blog later, I wish my other PC would connect to this network though ..sux man .. hopefully I'll get them pics for yall .......OUT!!

Note From The Book

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