I didnt mention in that last post that yesterday while getting out of the van at my sisters house.. MY LEG GOT STUCK IN A SEWER .. I stepped out and went DOWN .. I scraped the back of my leg and my foot was kinda stuck for a moment. I thought I'd lose my shoe. .. my shoe and was rusty, my sock was dirty and my leg was hurting.. I came in here and wiped my leg down with alcohol on some soap wipes and then some peroxide only to find a few scars and bruises. Shame yall.. My leg hurts and its kinda swollen and is still itching, I put some Olay on it yesterday .. I put some lubriderm on it. this morning.. I need more now. ITCHY MAN!!
My nephew was laughing at me as if I went tru a tunnel on mario ..lol sjame I was mad already and that made it worse. Just imagine I was still being yelled at from there.. but anyway man.. that sucked yall...
Wolfe Blitzer is on.. Out
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