Sunday, January 28, 2007

Distant Cousin Found me at Myspace

It was summer 2000. I was working/camping at Gregory Middle for the New Orleans Recreation Department's Summer Program. The camp was split in to certain sections and then we had a lunch break. With in the 2nd week of camp, I met this dude name John who spent most of his time at camp Singing along with another friend of mine Named Brian McCormick who I had also met at the camp. one day we were joking around in the Lunch room and I noticed his T shirt was the same as one I had from a previous Reunion. so I said "Wait hold up, You might be my cousin"... that whole summer we were trying to figure out how we were related. All we did know is that we were. and that was cool. John Brian and I used to Rap and Sing about a bunch of Dumb stuff.. John was serious about it. Brian and I were just Goofing it out. Yelling Random stuff like "Hey Bob!!" or "Yo BOB!!" .. Loud as all outdoors! Note: I Cant Sing for .. And thats why I would Steady Ad lib . Especially on Barrington Levy's Scatting part on "Bad Boy's" by Shyne ... Which is Funny because I have the original song that Features that Scatt on My Myspace page now.

Later Brian and John joined the Theater class, which they performed a show for the whole NORD camp at the end of the Summer I think they won first or Second place. but the show was LIVE.. I wish it had been recorded. that would've been cool to have it on DVD.

... other than that... just being around John was crazy. Here's a reason why... He used to have a Curly topped fade and the girls loved him.. Then he got Gum stuck in his head and went BALD for the remainder of the Summer. He was Shining like Tupac! ... But yet He started wearing those hats like JJ from Good Times .. in fact the hat was BLUE!! ..LMAO!

Anyway .. Man.. Its been 7 year since I Last seen or heard from him. so its great just to know that the dude has been successful at what he has been Attempting to do for the longest and thats be a Singer/Songwriter. Im proud of that dude.

as for Brian, I went to High school with Brian, he was one grade under me. The last time i saw him. He was walking up that street around Dillard University. .. dang man.. Its other people who i havent heard from either.. .. I bet they find me before I find them too. Hmmm... Brian kinda looks like The Killer from SCREAM with a droopy eyed happy face. lol

Check Out John Michael's Page HERE at Myspace Listen to his tracks.

Sounds Good huh bruh... yeah.. Im Out!

Note From The Book

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