Darwin once again sent me a letter relating to the rally for public housing. This time, I posted it as a note on Facebook This time Ashley (not my CS) replied to the Note.
Here's The The Event
On MLK Day 2007 public housing residents and other supporters of the right of return will conduct a people's reopening of New Orleans public housing. Drawing upon the same spirit that galvanized Martin Luther King Jr. in his life's quest for social justice public housing residents and their allies will challenge the immoral and criminal lockout of Katrina survivors from their homes in public housing. That 6,000 desperately needed units of affordable housing sit empty while New Orleanians endure the most severe housing shortage in the city's history is an obscenity. That Katrina survivors die almost everyday from heartbreak, at least in part, because the government and its corporate paymasters refuse to respect their right of return, is a reality.
Let's put an end to this ugly reality. Join us on January 15th 2007. We shall rally. We shall march. We shall reopen!
January 15, 2007 (MLK DAY)
10am till
3838 St. Bernard Avenue
New Orleans
For information contact: Sharon Jasper (504) 324-3657 Lynette Bickham (504)-723-4893
Stephanie Mingo (504) 529-3171
Sponsors: New Orleans Public Housing Residents, United Front For Affordable Housing and
C3/Hands Off Iberville.
I Will most likely be there too...
Here's Ash's Reply..around this time i was responding, "over worded" my response so I Refreshed the page and I saw ...
I think they should keep the projects closed. The lord wanted N.O to make a change when Katrina came, so why keep going back to how things were ? They need to tear them down and build a more modern apartment complex for WORKING low income families, keyword Working.
BTW Book I saw this woman on the news in BR upset about the government making them move out of the FEMA trailers in Febuary. This trick saying she can't afford to stay nowhere else but in a trailer, talking about she can't afford $1000-1500 rent. I was like ....WTF ? Where is she trying to stay ? They must have went out there and found the most trifling person and talked to her. How can you be content with living in a 1 rm trailer ? Daz the exact reason why the projects don't need to be opened, people are content with living there and don't want to make a change. We need to rise up not stay down.
Darwin's Reponce to Ashley Ashley, You know the Lord didn't close public housing. The government did. Katrina's flood was caused by the government's dereliction. The levees failed because the government don't care about Nola, especially the poor and mostly black folks that live in the most vulnerable places. And the reason the projects are staying closed isn't because the government wants to build better houses for working families. It's because some rich real estate developers want to make a killing by redeveloping the property into housing for rich folks. Remember what happened to St. Thomas?
.. Got Kinda Heated eh?? ..lol Ashley is Originally from Houston, Currently Attending SU in Baton Rouge, I respect her Views myself... I know she doesnt know to much about N.O's Housing before Katrina. but I see where she's going with this and its true that Nobody should settle for Less.. The thing about it now is that if you want to move in N.O where there aren't many places to live, but you know that their are buildings owned by Public housing that can be cleaned and back up and running.. You'd probably Fight for it yourself...
But here are both My Responses below..
yeah, there were people here in N.O who feel that They own their Trailers and or Apartment and that shouldn't be the case. They should have asked where she works. because if she doesn't have a job, she doesn't want to afford it. to tell you the truth. I'm happy to Not be living in the projects, and I don't want to settle for living in them again; nor do I want to live in a bad neighborhood. but in N.O. even if you aren't living in the projects you are still living in the "hood". here crime and illegal activity is everywhere. the projects was just common grounds for the behavior and activity, you cant avoid it unless u stick to yourself. I just Feel The Apartments would be a great opportunity to let people back in to the city Especially the people who are willing to work. many of the The buildings in My old neighborhood are in good condition and I think that they should be re-opened. on the other hand , Nobody should be comfortable living in the hood. Darwin. I remember what happened with St Thomas after they tore that down They Built the Walmart there where Everybody Looted during Katrina HUD redid the Desire and Florida projects with "Mixed Income Homes" .. They were Destroyed in the flood... and thats why we dont want Those kinds of apartments ... The St Bernard and others have stood Strong which allowed more people to have a safe place to go above waters until they were rescued. The thing too is that its not only poor/Black people who want the projects open. Its people who once lived in N.O who are willing to Live in the projects because they want to live back in New Orleans..
..Boy I Love This Place.. I'll Keep Ya Updated
Note From The Book
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