I got from Indy Media that if anyone would like to go into the St. Bernard Projects, They can do as they please without permission from HANO. and that HANO Police will not stop you if you're going to Clean up or take things from the home. That message was according to the folx @ Survivors Village
Link to the Indy Media Post
The Picture's on this website are great. I even had to upload one. lol
Im currently looking to check out other folks media from that day!...
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.... But It Will be Published Online!
Although the local news stations were there, They didn't show much of any footage on the news... They spoke of the Katrina Embryo baby (which is great), they spoke of the saints (WHO DAT!!).. They spoke of "all" MLK day Events and so on ...
but the didnt have anything to SAY about the SBP clean up. There was a Segment about the Embryo baby being talked about and they played the wrong video. that video happened to be the People of the St. Bernard Marching to the gates.. Other than that .. if ther was a news report ON TV, I didn't see it, nor did anyone i asked.
I'm looking at a letter on the front of the Survivors Village website and its a strong message to "whom it concerns" ...
To whom it may concern:
We are the individuals currently occupying the St. Bernard Housing Project. We are inside as guests of, and at the request of undisclosed current lease holders. We are members of an organization called Mayday NOLA, a housing rights organization “committed to the belief that housing is a human right, and that all people are entitled to economic justice. Many of us have been or currently are homeless ourselves, so we are dedicated from within the communities most affected by economic injustice.”
Read the Full Letter HERE...
http://survivorsvillage.com/main.html for the main site
I saw a segment on Fox 8 last night -- and another station too I think. but all the news says there was a "couple hundred" there. I think there were a lot more people!
great report, i was there yesterday.
I stepped in/out just before you guys walked across the street. It was a lil disheartening, thinking about all of the folk who were not present to do any of the work for their residences. But this is a start of a new beginning.
Thank you for bringing this information to the masses.
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