Wednesday, January 31, 2007

St. Bernard Housing / N.O Schools

Latest on the St. Bernard

According to the news, people were staying in the one apartment in the neighborhood, they werearrested. Just that is wild I had a feeling that somebody was staying in those apartments and in was true. Most likely they were living on the old side. Everytime they do these reports they speak of the fact that They want to tear the hood down but there is no Due date for the demolition.
Here's what's posted on Indymedia
This must mean that POWER is on and LIGHT's are Working... My dream must be telling me something.. I KEEP having dreams of Exploding Transformers and Lights on Inside the buildings of the Hood.. crazy huh?

Bush on Fox News speaking of Katrina and Housing

He just said that they spent billions in Louisiana to be focused on HOUSING and that they felt that the LOCAL PEOPLE should handle that situation accordingly ... Hmm.. ITS SO UNORGANIZED .. we have so many unorganized "Help Da Folk" organizations that took this money and ran with it. There are HOMELESS people trying to get houses man.. Where's This Money?

The Schools

All of our schools need money, Not just the Public schools.. ALL SCHOOL.. they are opening up More schools here and there arent enough Teachers, classes are overcrowded and There isnt any HOT LUNCH for the kids .. My brother comes home everyday telling us that the Lunches are getting WORSE over time and its Worse than the food we had in the Astrodome.

New Orleans public schools are looking for teachers. I was thinking about this. I'm not Certified to Teach, but I wouldn't mind becoming a temporary/substitute teacher for a computer skills class. and the reason is because of the time I spent managing a computer center with Technology For All and South Union CDC. I'd do it for free, but I'd rather get paid for it.

Well Yall.. I'm Out for now

Note From The Book

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