Unfortunately HANO is Suing some of our residents have been going in to clean up their homes. Yep You heard right.
Yeah, These buildings were our homes and our stuff is still in there, we have a right to get it. We needed Permits to do so, then we were told that HANO didnt mind people going to clean their homes, Now its HANO/HUD is suing people for Property Damage. Umm... PROPERTY DAMAGE?? according to THEM this property is already DAMAGED and they stull want to TEAR IT DOWN... thats not a good thing. Because MY ARTWORK, OLD CLOTHES, MUSIC, BOOKS and other Valuable things are still there..
Man.. WE NEED this Public Housing, WHY?? because we have People who NEED places to say and the city WANTS them here but they dont WANT to open up the Hoods! ..
We have Saints Football players living in Hotels and Trailers too.. Why not let them live in the hood? ...
I dont have anywhere to stay... my dad, my mom, by brother and I live with my sister .. and soon I'll be living back at the home my parents will be getting... I'm 22 What if i want to move out? I need to find an apartment too!.. yall feel me? .
Boy boy boy .... They Let Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt move here in the french quarters, but they wont let ME live here and I LIVE HERE!....
..Hold up .. NO I DONT LIVE HERE! ... WHY??
- My Legal ID is a TEXAS ID
- My Louisiana ID Expired in September 06
- My last job was in TEXAS
- My last Address was in TEXAS
- Im Registared to Vote in TEXAS..
- Im Not Registared to Vote in Louisiana..
Who's The President, Governer, Mayor, Councilmen, Judge,District Attorney,
Get Out and VOTE because We NEED PUBLIC HOUSING!!...
The World Would Be a Better Place if They Let Homless People Vote ...
Yeah Im not HOMELESS .. but im LEGALLY HOMELESS .. yall know what im saying?
here are some links to articles relating to the suing of residents
HANO Sues Protesters..
Another Article
Note From The Book
Wow..I can not believe what is being done to all of you just wanting to enter back into your homes. It is a disgrace and yes, The Mr & Mrs Pit move to the French Quarter is crazy. Those two are just wanting another publicity stunt. I happen to come across your blog by some mere accident. I have been very sick and not stayed in tune as for what was being done to God's people, so very close to me. I unterstand if not for God's grace, I could have been in the horrifc storm who had to witness.
I live across the lake, Ponchatoula area, just an average (yes, white) homemaker and even this story upsets me. How can Hud be allowed such power?
God bless you all as you have to fight for what is yours. The door should have been opened to yall and a celebration for your effort to return to what is yours!!
wow thats sad to know, and thank you. right about now, I'd love to be living across the lake.
although we rented, we still own whats inside and they weren't letting us get to it. our people decided to take action, unfortunately it wasn't Legal.
To tell ya the truth, I don't mind Angelina and Brad living here in New Orleans. It's just the fact that they moved in the French Quarters where no homes were damages. they should have rebuilt a home from a blighted area. (which i know they wanted to move here right away ),
I know that A and B are good people and will most likely donate to some random cause here which is a good thing.
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