Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Chattabox is on Myspace...

Chattabox is the Voice of KTSU Radio also Voice of The Ocean Of Soul Marching Band at Texas Southern University

Here's his Myspace page

There was a blog post he wrote about TSU's Financial Problems. I came across this after reading various articles in relation to its financial troubles.

I think its wrong that the city denied the school of the funds it needs. They say their gonna Cutback on athletics funds, does this means no scholorships for incoming freshman? or the cutting of a sport? closing of the Rec.Center? hopefully not. but the way they were showing clips of those areas on ABC news made me think that they'd be the first things to go.

I knew something was up after the petition and surveys went out to fund Tiger Express..

Hopefully I'll work out for the Better.

Note From The Book

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