Sunday, February 04, 2007

Im Done with the construction

Im not the best at CSS, I've had some Troubles while managing to fix the blog in the "new way".
Unfortunately I couldnt get to edit the Title properly. Now where my Blog title nce was Within the Dashboard is now an HTML code.. and Above the posting herea is nothing at all. Sounds weird ..
Just look at the pictures ...

Its only because i couldnt use an IMG html tag. I tried the CSS tag but it would show the title on top of the image, so I tried my best to Hook this up.

a few other things is that..

hoping all the sidebar scripts still work.. hmmm... i dont think they are..

If the counter still says 37,808 then Yes i have to figure out what the problem is

I dont think the feed will show properly because of the situation with the Title area.
I have to re do all the feedburner stuff (i think).

AND LASTLY....I dont see where I could update the font size within the post (yes my font size was bigger before the change)

.. Looks good eh?

Note From The Book

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