Monday, February 05, 2007

Small Change....

Done away with the Spade I had it there since the time I got rid of the Club symbol. Now I'm using the Broken bar which means Nothing.

Before I got rid of the Spade symbol I had to re think of the term. So I searched for a definition.
Of course I knew that the spade was a Tool for Field work.. and also a leaf shaped object on a card such as the Ace of Spades ... THAT was the reason i had choose the CLUB and SPADE.

but then I looked up the word Spade on Urban Dictionary where the 1st and most voted definition was this

218 up, 28 down

A derogatory term for an African American, more commonly used in the post-Civil War era than today.

No you can't sit with me, you damn spade.

THAT reminded me of the Krazy K Jail House Scene from Tails from the Hood, whee Krazy K gets put in a prison cell across from a white supremest guy who calls Krazy K a "Spade" during their conversation..

its just wild that A Spade and a Hoe are both feild tools used in Derogatory Language.

Spade probably referring to field working slaves.

Ace of Spades is "Black Death" or Gruesome death" , Like the phrase "black as the ace of spades"

WELL>>>>> Yeah I had to do away with it because 1 is that I aint trying to Accociate my blog with things of that nature. It was probably because it was a whole lot of "Black death" after katrina .. and i did away with Club probably because I wasnt feeling too lucky. Those Symbols don't represent me (as i was attempting to make them be). Despite this whole post ... I Only Wanted something other than a bullet ..haha!

Note From The Book

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