So I was on Facebook and earlier and i thought about this. Although these sites Socially Connect you online. sometimes they socially Disconnect you from the things in real life. For example, on facebook, you join Group discussion / event discussion., through this discussion you meet new Friends, You learn all you can learn from their pages online, Real name, Number, Likes, dislikes and the works. later on The Even comes, You both Go to this event, knowing that you and other Networkers are going, You all manage to meet up. but when you do meet up. You dont really know what to say to these people in person other than Discussing whats Online. and if thats not the case. You either dont remember some of the peoples names or faces that you came to meet. so that makes your "socialization" bad ..LOL ..
Its wild, I've experianced these things before.
- Online were Buddies, we want to meet and be social
- Offline You meet and greet share a few words, probablt Split from each other the rest of the night. WHY? Because if you dont really know what to say it gets typically boring.
Even when you're on the phone. LOL .. Just imagine. Im on the phone with online buddies all the time. Other than our common interest and our circle of friends.. we cant really talk of anything else but crap that was shared online. From then on It gets repetitive and to me that disconnects you from things that go on.
Another example are mu IM friends ,,. .. Thru my real circle of friends, I've managed to gain more instant messenger friends. unfortunately we have nothing in common. .. Therefore we're Connected yet disconnected. and all they do is Send General Messages and wan to Start Conferences so they can start Booters and crap.. as if they HAVE NO LIFE ..lol
IMO. now adays It talks More than a message to be social. LOL I would like to talk to more of mu friends ofline on a daily basis. at least certain ones. the reason why is because they'll really get to know me and my attitudes. lol .. But yeah.. I've been Socially Distracted for a long time. I gotta get away sometimes ..lol
Thats about all I have for now
Note From The Book
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