Now that they "the Destruction Crew" is coming to Demolish my old neighborhood. I want to go around there and take a million pictures. just to have as a keepsake. Man, it hurts to know that my old hood is going to be destroyed. I spent my whole life there just about. 20 WHOLE years. at least from birth till katrina. yeah i waws 20 getting ready to turn 21. Wow man. now im 23 and well.. We've fought the fight but the council of the city and the state just didnt get the messege. Oh well, It's time for a change. I just hope they build with BRICK as they were from the 1950's 60's and 70's. ya know.
- Other than that. its "how to do Youtube" for one person. I had to sign him up. but it looks like he's got it now.
- My Aunt has moved back to N.O she'll be living uptown., Now all we're waiting for is my 2 cousins to move back. I guess they're enjoying their vouchers right now ya know.
- .. Out here, Nothing but Murder and Drug Busts, They had to get Nagin out of a Hood once. it was the first time i've heard something like that. but hey, He's the mayor. Gotta savem
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