Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ahh Come on Man...

The Noise, The Phone, The Boredom, The Life..

So I was asleep, I like to sleep with my door closed to prevent noise.  But this time I locked out the dogs, BAD IDEA. Tigger (The Shih Tzu) was banging on my door at 6am. I woke up because of it, and I made my nephew and brother get off the 360 because they were playing since 11pm non stop Gears of War and a Downloaded Online version of Halo. All I really asked him to do was to go online and get a the old version of Mortal Kombat, but they extended their own Hours.  ....

After All That, I went to lay back down. taking the dog it with me, I got a Call from my sister at like 7am.  she talked to me for like 20 minutes, I was trying to get back to sleep but she kept talking. Then Larry Called and I didnt answer. he called back to back  between that the dog is knocking to go out the door. I let him out and ly back down only to get up and push him away..  So My Sister calls 3 Times straight afterwards and she asked me some stuff Im like IONO.. so i can go backto sleep .. she still was talking I'm like Ok . and I went back to sleep... Then I hear the dogs trying to get in my room again.. my brother let them in.. Suddenly they wanted to go out .. I didnt get up... but i heard them barking ..  So I went back to sleep.. I got up to my moms call at like 2 ... My door was wide open and I couldnt go back to sleep because my nephew was making Noise with some mini skate board thing .. the same thing he was looking for that day he made the pc crash.. smh ..

I'm seriously tired of being in the middle of their business Thats why i don't wanna answer the phone. Call the House phone sometimes ya know dang.. Ty is in a different room from me. why call my phone. I dont need to be his parent. waking  him up and things .. Bad enough i get the call every day for school Because he practically lives over here. and THAT gets on my nerves . I NEVER get a good ammount of sleep because of them.. this is crazy man..

.. Out.........

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