Thursday, March 19, 2015

Some Things Just Happen

So, I'm on my timeline and I see something from a friend of mine who at one point i used to talk to every day until the things in her life started  looking up for her. career and personal life.. She seemed very happy, Getting right into a career of choice and being very great at what she does. Marrying the guy who was the love of her life. and appearing to be very happy Then one day that all stopped.

She was no longer on my social media feeds. of course I hadn't talked to her in nearly 4 years on average. At one time I considered her a bestt friend of mine. she is still my friend. I love her to death. but at this very moment, I haven't had a conversation with her in forever..

I'll expound on that soon, but most recently . In the past month she's been back on my feed, Insta, Facebook, Twitter. the usual. she's active again. She's even in a new relationship... which is a shocker, It makes me wonder what happened, yet at the same time, that's none of my business. So far She's posted a picture of herself and the new guy, as well as making the "Status" change to "in a relationship" ... doing that of course got alot of likes and a few nosey people posting "Girl call me" .. on her page for Dirt.. that's a shame, but its what people do.   Honestly I'd like to know. but then again. i would want to hear it from the guys side. because I knew him and he was a cool guy and also the love of her life. But I understand there's a time where two young adults must grow up and maybe  their love had faded and the things they both had chosen to put up with had gone way overboard./

I remember talking to her about that kinda thing long before they both got married. She was deeply in love. and so it boggles me that shes not with him. although i'm very happy to know that she's found someone new. with that said I would hope that the she divorced him now that she's in this new relationship,

.. with that said,. With myself not knowing of this a few weeks a  i addressed her by her apparent Ex's last name as  It was   typical of me to do.. now I feel kinda bad about that. yet it's not my fault for not knowing.. and well hey..I hope that The new guy is good to her, and i hope the Ex gets himself together and make strides to achieve greatness on his own.  If they're actually divorced. then life goes on. If not. I hope they could work things out and get back together someday.. but then again.. Love Fades.

As a Regard to Marriage, in general here's how i feel

Once you tie the not, the commitment you make is beyond human, it's divine, those who don't fully understand that, eventually come to terms and break away from each other. . Some folks want the title, some folks do it assuming love will grow stronger not considering the problems that existed in the relationship prior to the marriage lingering on .. I love relationships aned Marriage  but happiness and competeness wont come out of getting married .. The actual Ceremony is just a big "Show" otherwise its a Baptism of to make two become One ... And  Withouth the oneness of that commitment to both lives as they are  to god,, the vows you claim to hold are meaningless.  

The Book 

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