Thursday, April 25, 2019

My Thoughts on a Parental Dress Code

Everybody's raving about this situation in a Houston School, where the principal sent home a letter to parents, was told them how they need to dress inside of their building. Maybe it was a bit harsh, but I think it was necessary. Because of this discussion, I decided to share my thoughts here, rather than commenting on a Facebook post. Which I find myself doing very often. So here goes...

I'm not a fan of dress codes myself, but I do understand the phoniness of the business environment.

The school is only a business environment for faculty and staff. Each person in whatever Department, always wore attire that reflected their position. Also they were there setting an example for each student.

Students had a uniform policy that would get them detention or suspended for violating the dress code

Visitors should already know how to present themselves in public without being told what to wear.

But if you are representing your child, and you don't send your child outside misrepresenting your household, then why would you do so? That is my beef. I understand it, but at the end of the day how they're dressed shouldn't really matter and they should not be denied service on the campus because of their attire.

Pretty Wednesday on the college campuses cause people to dress their best on purpose self-confidence as well as to get people in the spirit of dressing in a professional environment. Versus the normal going to class in your pajamas like most students do after they realize nobody's trying to impress each other on the average day.

It's so much that I can say about this, but all in all, I know my mom wouldn't have allowed me to Exit the house misrepresenting the household. Oh, when I was in school, we were rib folks parents among ourselves if they came in the school looking like trash. That's just the way that it was. We would have a good laugh, but in essence that still was a negative effect. An enjoyable one for the students, but not so enjoyable for the person who was the target due to their mother coming on campus looking like a dirtbag. But that's just the way it was.

There's a lot more than I can say, but at the end of the day. If you are a parent of a child you don't want to misrepresent that child, because it had a lasting effect on you other person.

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