Monday, March 11, 2019

Reflection on a Doctrine

The one thing about  Bible believers that I love it that we all pretty much believe the same stuff, the problem that leads to our arguments is always in the chosen Doctrine. Because no matter the church you attend, there is a primary focus on that Doctrine. Whether it be tradition than Customs, or preaching points. It becomes apparent the type of church that you're in. And of course it's okay to have the discussions. But of course it's not really necessary to thrash somebody with your beliefs based on a Doctrine.

I grew up in the Pentecostal Church. It was called "Apostolic Outreach Center." Of course I made your focus was on your own salvation.

Genesis, Leviticus, Deuteronomy , Romans Kings, Acts, and Revelation. Were major books.. though I hadn't been to that church normally since the mid-90s, much of the teachings stood with me in my life.

Other major focuses was, following the Commandments, the birth, death, and Resurrection of the Christ. The day of Pentecost , Your personal relationship with Christ. As well as, end time.

Over the years, I have read and even seen movies as it relates to how Pentecostals have been deemed by other Christian denominations as well as other religions. They say we are The Crazy Ones, we are the most charismatic, they even say that it's a cult. I could see why they say that. But my personal belief is in a reflection of a cult.

I came up as an Apostolic Pentecostal. To me this has always meant that we are to do and the apostles did. Which is spread the word of God. Folks would refer to Apostolic Pentecostals as the white Pentecostal Church. And yes my pastor was a white man. There is also the Church of God in Christ. (COGIC). Otherwise, the black Pentecostal Church. It all makes sense to me because they are all organizations with specific types of leadership. But I personally don't follow all of that. My reason for going to church is not because of all the fancy things that make up the church, not the pastor, not the choir, not the theatrics. Those things me keep a person going to church, but the major thing is, are you really learning? Does this church make you feel confident in your journey with the Lord., any sense of conviction, or even spiritual uplifting? To me when things like that hit you, you're in the right place.

My Church leaders names at the time. Cupit, Ford, Watson. Though they and many others including the women of the church made a great impact. The church was not about any of them, it was about being in one Accord. At the old church, when exiting the main room, there was a sign which said, "in one Accord" in big bold letters.

When I look back at old photos of myself inside of that church, I am usually pointing upwards. To my knowledge, I may have done this because the sign. Because outside of the church I did not throw up a number one hand signal in any pictures.

At the end of the day, although respect in church leadership, as well as the members in the church. It was clear that we were there for one thing and that was to hold firm to our beliefs and to do right by the word of God. Anything else really didn't matter.

Of course I haven't been there normally in years. I'm not a regular churchgoer. But my beliefs stand firm. These days my brothers have been connected to churches in a major way. So have I. But I do not attend one at this very moment. Maybe I need a church home. But until then, I'll continue to read, not specifically 2B scripturally sound, but to gain some knowledge that will help me live my best life LOL

- Book

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