Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Swiming in the Ocean

Well, now that my brother is a member o TSU's Ocean of Soul Marching Band. It Gives me a great reason to be in Texas. its gonna be a wild four years now that hes out there. I wish him the best. His Prime goal is to be Section Leader of Trumpets. other than that is basically becoming a band director himself. He wants to come to N.O to Direct but there isn't any money in directing a New Orleans, Especially the Public School System.

Wild Wild Wild.....

I actually got Emotional, Im gonna miss being around my brother all the time. It's cool though. Just one less mouth to feed at home. Now I'll be cookin' for My youngest brother and nephew. and that aint much. When we left texas It felt like if we were just Leaving him in prison or something lol. The Best thing is that he's with his best friend since elementary. Great Great!

Wilbert told me that They'll be Bert & Ernie again lol Kinda funny being that it was their HS crabnames. I bet Right now they're at practice. most likely drilling or something. The Defeat the Beat BOTB is just about Here and they have to perform. I sure wish i could go.

Iono yall. Its gonna be some weird. I'll be at SUNO which dosent have a band. so thats free time for me lol
...... yeah Yeah, I'll post Something later yall.

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