Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hoping to be up and out in D morning

yeah we're through packing for the night. All we have to do is pack ALL THE REST OF THE FURNITURE! My dad and broham is going to get some Popeyes Chicken, I got 10 on some extra beans! yes yes!! ..

guess im gonna hit the floor tonite.

well yall.. Halloweeen.. There were more shots fired earlier as we packed but hey we kept going at what we were doing...

The Kids are out Trickin' and Treatin' . hehe..

Reminds me of when I was younger Around halloween time

On this day when I was young
  • I was hit in the head with a rock, by who? I dont know..lol
  • I was superman in Kindergarten
  • I Went trickin' and Treatin a few times
  • People would be out trowing eggs and wet toilet paper at eachother
  • a great day to play "Nigga Knock"
  • In Grade School we'd watch movies like Ghost Busters, Casper, or some random kids movie thats not to scary.
  • The Hood would be backed full of people passing out Candy and other crap
  • Right after school The Well Baby Clinic would be giving out Fruits and things While The Office on Gibson & milton would have Hot Dogs and things.
  • Halloween would be Fun in The 7th ward as a whole because we'd run from The Park Chester side to the Project side in minutes.
  • Life was fun back then... Less Violence ..(well not really) ..lol

Yeah yall.. its 7:27 right now and my dad nim aint back with the chicken... I was on Facebook attepting to send a letter to folk.. ** Goes to Myspace**

I think that Blogger should do updates on the way these profiles work man..

oh well yall . Im Out for now!

Note From The Book

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