Sunday, November 05, 2006

My CB's and P Funk

so i heard from one of my CB's that they all didnt cross P Funk, that sux. I tried to call gizmo and i didnt get an answer, I'll try tomorrow. thats wild man. they say its because of UnOrganization and other things .. so they decided not to go to RECMO .. I felt them on that but Still man.. I would've Crossed.. its almost like I got my P for nothing man...
I just facebooked Joe to see if he did ..thats wild ..

Oh well yall.. Im Out for now

They need to stop showing that Premiere of Class of 3000 SWD didnt sound all that nice on there
uuuhh..the cartoon is nice .. HIP HOP on CARTOON NETWORK yall..


Cheddar Poo's in the Tub yall.. thats cool

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