Man I might have to go live at my other sisters house, cause my nephew makes too much noise. Everytime i wake up (or HE WAKES ME UP) all i hear is HIM BY HIM SELF making noise with the dog, stomping on the ground .. Loud yelling and laughing, TV is up loud and everything .. AND NOBODY SEEMS TO CARE .. I hate it .. cause IM the one who's sleeping at the moment. its like THEY DONT CARE .. and I WANT OUT!! ..
Anyway .. I talked to TREY of SU's Tuba line and Kandace of SU's picc line and a few others .. To me Everybodys saying we sounded good and we took a W as far as sound . but when u talk to Them of SU they say we were weak I dont care I'm siding with TSU on this one ... Yeah yall.. iono
I just sent texts messages to people with crazy messages like " u cool but u need to get rid of that third eye" and crap like that ...
Maaaan I want to go back to TSU and march..
Why is it that They have me in here stuck with the kids again I think im going to leave in a few though! this sux!
aahhh man... SUX!!
oh and my Sisters Laptop sux ,,lol
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