Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Only an N.O person would understand..

Check out Cliff's Crib and his post "Why Come?".

He talks of the C J Morgan show which was taken off the air some time in the recent past. I think he had another post in relation to C J morgan's firing also. I have to find it. I was talking to one of my boys where he says its because CJ's ratings dropped. all i could say to that is .. Of course ratings will drop if all your listeners are elsewhere..

or Could it be what Cliff said in the "Why Come?". entry...
How long will it be before a disc jockey on a black radio stations snaps and admits he or she is tired of playing the same three songs all day long? They can’t like that Irreplaceable that much.

Hmmm... Makes me wonder... lol....

Other than that about "Y Come Wednesdays" being on a radio station. I think they came across my blog when they got that Idea. every Wednesday on Marchingsport I'd do the "Y Come" thread... i've even posted a few here.. I hadn't been participating in the threads recenly though ..i actually got the idea from another forum where their is a "Y Come" thread on occasion. .. I even had the "Everlasting Y Come Thread" on Marchingsport before he forums were updated.

Here are the old ones I did

look at all the dates of them.. I even did a thursday follow up

Note From The Book

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