Friday, February 02, 2007

bout dem Projects/ another one..

I Keep having Project dreams about Transformers exploding and this time My brother call's me to tell me that He had a dream that I was cooking and the stove exploded. he say'd it was like something out of Final Destination.

as for MY dream. It wasnt a dream About the projects, It was about the people of the hood.. and it was more like a nightmare.

We were living in the projects (as if it was after Katrina), Traffic was bad and there was a Wreck... so after hereing the boom, all the old dudes were jumping off or porches and running to the crash scene.. but they werent going to See what happened They were going to steal cars.... walked past authorities and they where saying things like "those thugs are going to steal cars, they've been at it all week and we really cant stop them" ..and i made it to the sceene (which was the crashspot between The Highway entrances on St. Bernard avenue) .. WELL.. . as they pulled the guy out on a stretcher they told everyone to get in the Van ... which was like cross between an Ambulance and a bus.. and then they sat the man in a chair He looked Dazed and woozy.. so the guy closed the back door the driver pulled off Like ... It was like a Vigilante gone wild We were running in to everything. People and more RYDER trucks and People There was a girl who was on the bus and she was talking all kinds of mess about the bus driver.. it was crazy .. almost like it was real... then All i can remember is that the dream was over from there .. lol

umm.. yeah.. I'll be back blogging in a few
Note From The Book

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