Sunday, June 06, 2010

Ahh Man what’s up with this

so again my nephew is here. Today I’m trying to relax, not run after a baby again.  Yesterday After I came from Practice they did me that. They all went out and I was stuck here watching a baby.  All after I came back from practice.. Come on now man. whats up with this?

I woke up with a bad feelin in my stomach…  and it still feels that way…
they just dropped him off.. he saw me, but just like they do. I’m closing my door this time.

My Nieces never watch the lil dude.. they go in other rooms, close the doors and I watch him. today I’m closing locking my door. they’re always just opening it and letting The Noise come in my room while im trying to sleep. Let him bother them today. If somebody wants to go out tonight I’m leaving… just like they do.  even tho my stomach is hurting.  I’m not trying to watch that boy. Nor am i Making the rest of them Nachos.. I’m Tired of that..

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