Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Drifting On A Memory of Brandon Franklin

Lisa P’s  added this video to Facebook in honor of Brandon Franklin 6 months after his passing. I commented to it stating that I’d post it on my blog. why? well I love this video. I also added a comment saying that it has a dreamlike feel to it and that He Lives on through her.

Please watch

as written by Lisa P

Today is the 6 month anniversary of Brandon's death. It took me two months to be able to watch the video I shot the day we went to the second line together, less than a month before he left us, (Aside from the video of him dancing that I posted the day after the second line.) It was hard to watch this, but it almost seems that he knew something and had a message for us to see now that would maybe make us all feel a little better. He says only two words in the clip, and even though he was talking about dancing, if you look at his face before and after, it seems that there's more to it than that, almost like he knew something, and even though it still makes me cry to watch it, it also makes me feel more peaceful and happy. I have no doubt that this is what he wants for all of us who knew him and love him (always).

Very Sad yet inspirational at the same time.

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