Thursday, April 14, 2011

I haven’t gotten anywhere yet

brokenLinkI have to manage going sleep at the right times, because honestly. I've missed some opportunities that were thrown at me, and I’ve also turned many down. Educationally I’m Far behind. Yet my skill level somehow makes me over qualified for certain positions. I need to get Degreed in my craft in order to do as i please. otherwise I’ll never be taken seriously for what it is I do.

The Good Thing is, I had one of the greatest Jobs in the world  with non profit where i was doing all kinds of things, nearly unsupervised  as an assistant in community technology. my only prior experience was when I was Volunteering as a band director for my middle school  and still. I had nothing to fall back on…

After watching a broadcast on Fox, It made me think that I should stop being picky when it comes to my workplace of choice. because technically i don’t have a job now because of it.  Also. Today, The Pizza delivery man looked fairly old. and he was white. No telling what kind of job he had prior to delivering pizza. The man bay be a college grad, i wouldn’t now. But in this world we all have to work to live right. For me. due to the fact that I’ve been hustling up money doing other things for the past 3 years. I feel it’s time i take my skills beyond this house and in to the work place.

I Applied for a job online, haven’t been contacted yet. the position is part time because all full time  positions required experience in fields i know nothing about. with  that said.. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday… The Hunt.. Thursday and Friday is My time thought. I may have to catch the bus uptown or to Metairie and find something out there. because downtown doesn’t really have anything.

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