Thursday, September 29, 2011

Glad to Know He Can See Again…

And Lord Willing, Lets hope he never becomes visually impaired again! Thank God for Rafa’s Recovery.

308297_10150313412823101_508288100_8189975_28368562_nLast Monday a man by the name of Rafael Dilgadello was at a stop sign minding his own business when two men approached him with guns. While trying to drive away, he was shot in the head, causing him to not only crash but to Temporarily lose his vision.  For a week although that was certain, it is now Clear that He has regained his sight. and I hope he regains it at 100%.

After watching the news and reading that articles, I was saddened by the situation. yet now I’m glad to know that he’s recovering just fine. I don’t know Rafa personally, but 'after posting the early morning articles about it on my facebook page. a few folks who knows him personally gave me updates on him at that time. I would have blogged about it then, but everything was occupying my time.

I’ve been to his facebook page reading the many comments and links to articles in support of him. The most recent one was his dad announcing that Rafa’ could see again. That made me smile, yet it makes me sad still to know that a man such as Himself would get caught up in a terrible situation… The greatest thing is that HE IS STILL HERE! .. THANK GOD FOR THAT!

It’s Sad when a man has to go through things like that living in the city of New Orleans. Every time I hear of something like this, It makes me not want to be here.. Yet we can’t live our lives in fear either.  I also hate the fact that when Things like happen, folks get on painting every victim in a bad light…  In this situation We could have lost him. yet I’m glad he’s survived.  

A lot is being shared HERE on Rafa’s Facebook page such as this Fundraiser site

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