Sunday, September 11, 2011

Had a great Time at the park yesterday!

JFK alumni were in full effect at the picnic. I enjoyed myself. talking to old faces. meeting new folks who were technically old faces Laughing out loud and talking about old times!  former teachers and faculty were there. It was a beautiful day overall!

The Band played, and  Doc Cried his heart out! it was a beautiful thing. I have footage that I didn’t tape. I let someone record for me. I don’t know how the footage looks because I haven’t seen it but I did tell him to keep it rolling the whole time ..LOL

I was happy, I got connected to Lance once again, this cat has an IMDb profile. basically he’s wanted to work with me on getting a documentary film together and hopefully getting HBO behind it. sounds great.  hopefully it works in our favor.  Hopefully we can get folks involved who would want to take part in something like that..

I had a great time, I’ll probably upload pictures tomorrow! …lol

I love the K!

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