Sunday, November 06, 2011

So I’m up & Prepared

..To Go Nowhere!..

After a night of doing photo & video stuff at my mom’s party I’m Tired. we made it hope at like 4:30. on top of that. time moved back… i slept for a few hours and i woke up at like nine. i was ready by 9:40 but i had no means of transportation to my destination (Church). My dad was too tired to bring my, so I tried waiting for the bus…  nothing… So I decided to go to the store and get so meting to drink

I came back, my nephew’s crying for everything… and what are my nieces (is sisters) doing ignoring him… So I get up to see what he wants… He wants Cake, he wants to play the game, he wants to do as i left him (on the PC)…

Basically i sat him at the PC to watch “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse”  before I walked out the door. when I came back my niece was in the chair. .. therefore he cried for everything.. and because they ignore him so much. I assume they did the same last night.. that’s why He slept in my room with the light on and the door wide open, yet my younger niece slept with the door closed in my brothers room. my other niece & nephew were also in an open room but there are no doors on it so it doesn’t count LOL.

I feel bad for not being able to get to church today. I wish I was driving I would have just took the vehicle. other than that  i couldn’t make it. I’ll talk to Ben Later on. today.

After THEY leave.. I’m going Clean to sleep! lol


I wrote this before noon

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