Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It’s Amazing to speak with distant Relatives

I found that the link to my past was correct. A few years back I did some research of a Peter M. Cousin and I had lots on my mind about that info i received. Well today I got a call from someone who actually knew him directly and Yes we’re cousins.  COUSIN cousins.

Whether you pronounce it Coo-Zan or The American way (like I do) It’s still the same. We’re family. when i informed her of My grandfather she had Direct information linking My grandfather to his Dad and His dad’s brother. That’s amazing to me.

On My Part i basically  was able to validate The  info which was related to Myself and my grand parents by telling her the little I know.  I’m glad to have found her, or that she’s found me. and yes she’s one of the Cousin’s on the Westbank. the ones I don’t know…. or am now Learning of. It’s amazing to me.

I found out that my Grandfather’s Dad actually committed Suicide In February of 1940. I was even sent the news paper. My Grandfather was 9 when it happened so he really didn’t know what happened with his dad. It amazes me to know that kind of thing though..

So yeah.. Now I must talk to these other Cousin’s and seeing what they know.

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