Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Passing of Mr. John Summers,

This week, with all the stuff going on in the world, the one thing I took hard was the passing of Mr. John A. Summers. He Band director of many schools but most notable for his time at Clark High School.

After reading as well as sharing a number of folks thoughts and  memories, I posted my memories of Mr. Summers via my facebook page, and then wrote something about him on my organization's Social media pages. it was very tough to do too,  It's so sad that we're loosing our music educators here in /from the city of N.O..

, I was told about him being in the hospital That boggled me for a minute. I didn't know he was dealing with any health issues, yet even with that It's a shock that he passed away.

Here's what I wrote on facebook. .

Maaann.. Mr. Summers!.
During the Summer before I joined Kennedy's band he did everything he could to inspire me to go March for Clark.(uptown) He would call my house all the time. to pick me up in the big red van with the broken door, He would even talk to my dad for Hours trying to make that happen. Mr. Summers. meant a lot to many of us the New Orleans band community.
He was one of the few in my time to take bands from scratch and make them your favorite band's competition. You couldn't deny his impact rebooting many band program whether it be "Hustlers Band, New Orleans All Star Band, New Orleans Alumni All Star Band, Carver, Clark, Karr, and The JPSO Band of Excellence. etc..
"The Pied Piper of Marching Band" Himself..
Rest In Peace Mr. John Summers,

Honestly, I'm gonna miss seeing him. I sat and talked to some folks aboit it as well . hopefully I'll make his funeral services.

Heer's the post as written via Nolalegacybands

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