Sunday, April 24, 2016

April Has been a busy month for me.

I've been doing some gigs, some free but beneficial. others very important, some unimportant. otherwise I need to start working on those projects soon. Holding off hurts in the end.

I may be lame for this, but I've been playing a lot of Elder Scrolls; Skyrim lately. I'm at like Level 91 at this point. and I feel like starting over but now I'm so far along.

Jazzfest is happening, but I'm inside listening to music at the moment. That's something else I've been doing all month. making the most of Pandora, ya know!.

This Month in deaths we lost Major Icons
We Lost Doris Roberts, Great Actress, I was more familiar with her character from"Everybody Loves Raymond"
We Lost PRINCE!  "The Artist" himself. Wow,

In Wrestling we lost Balls Mahoney, Blackjack Mulligan (father of Barry Windham) and the biggest one was Chyna!. for some reason I kept getting phone calls, facebook messages and Memes made toward me because of it. Yeah they were funny but still why only for Chyna? well to them she was known because they watched it too. smh.  but apparently they didn't know Balls or Mulligan.

^yeah I Had to say that..

anyway. Lots going on, I was supposed to do a party today but was never contacted about it.
Most of all I gotta get my priorities straight...

I'll figure that out though..


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